AMERICAN BAPTIST MEN seek to bring men to Christ and to help them grow in their daily walk through opportunities for fellowship. Our men sponsor the church’s annual Sweetheart Banquet in February and the Christmas Banquet in December, plus two popular Spaghetti Dinners in spring and fall. This active group coordinates the placement of memorial crosses on the church lawn around Veteran’s Day every year to honor Marion County military veterans who have passed away.
AB Men from West Virginia joined a national contingent of the organization in mission to the Hopi Indians on the Hopi Reservation, Second Mesa, Arizona. They helped to complete a two-year work project in which buildings and grounds on the reservation are being rebuilt and restored and assistance rendered to the missionaries. Our men were also involved in bringing relief to flood victims in and around our community. . We continue to focus on the West Virginia Baptist Camp at Cowen, with participation in Men’s Work Day in May and Men’s Camp in August.
All men of the congregation are invited to take part in this ministry, and guests are always welcome at any of our activities. For more information, call Gene at 304-363-9053.